Sunday, January 15, 2012

When we forget

forget... and forget.
anytime forget..
people can not leave, when their do something false in their life.
can or can not people can approve this situation?
we are small people. we not Allah.
Allah is a powerful.
we must be appreciate ourselves.
what would we do?
do something stupid or not responsible ourselves.
we must be wake up from their place.
we must be know, Allah not wronged us.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Deqlis: Makanan Kegemaran Rasulullah S.A.W

Deqlis: Makanan Kegemaran Rasulullah S.A.W: "Kali nie deqlis wat n3 tentang buku yang deqlis baca lagi... buku ni byk info dan maklumat berguna bg kita untuk menjaga pemakanan mengikut..."

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Tree Of Iman .

If someone gives you a plant to take care do you think you will do it? Wouldn't you try your best to not to let that plant die? And of course, to do that you are going to make sure that all the things that plant need, you provide it and keep it away form all the harmful things.

At the same time you will try to find out about the basic elements that plant is consisted of and the basic things those elements need to grow properly.

Believe me or not but all of us have one, very delicate and at the same time very strong tree to take care of given to us by our Lord.

Allah (SWT) has given us this tree that is planted in our hearts, called "shajarat-ul-Iman" (Tree of Iman).

Allah (swt) describes that tree in Quran:

"Have you not seen how Allah coined a similitude (of parable) a good word like a good tree, the root of that tree is firmly established in the ground and the branches reach the heavens."

At another place in Quran Allah (swt) said:

"(this particular tree by the permission of its Lord), gives fruits (all kinds of fruits) anytime Allah (swt) wants it to give fruits."

Allah (swt) also said:

"Allah coin similitude for the human beings (for you and I), so that perhaps we may reflect (we may think)."

Science say there are trees in other plants than earth ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Allah (swt) created seven heavens and earth other than this planet. Some people say that there are trees and some say there are not. There is proof in Quran and Sunnah that there are trees in Jannah (heaven). One of them is called "Toobaa", the tree for the "ghurab'a" (strangers). The shade of that tree is one month journey and this is where the believers will take their clothes from.

Most Important Tree in this World: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The most important tree in this dunya (world) is the Tree of Iman (shajarat-ul-Iman). The tree that Allah (swt) has planted in our hearts. The tree that we all should be worrying about day and night. We all must know what that tree of Iman is made of so that we can take good care of it.

What Does the Tree of Iman Have:

Almost all the trees that Allah (swt) has created/originated, almost all of them have three very basic things:

01. Root (O'rooq)

The roots of the most important tree on this earth are:

a) Knowledge (I'lm)

b) Certainty (Yaqeen)

The tree of Iman is the basic belief of Islam

"La ilaha illal lah"

"There is no God worthy of worship except Allah (swt)"

So the root for us of the Tree of Iman, is the KNOWLEDGE of the meaning of "la ilaha illallah". It covers every single aspect of our life. When we know that there is no God other then Allah (swt), we totally surrender to Him alone and we take everything that He gave us through the Quran and the Sunnah of Rasul of Allah (saw).

The other half of the root of this tree is the certainty, meaning the certainty of everything what "la ilaha illallah" brings.

When implementing Islam in our lives, or when accepting a matter which we were not aware of before, we should do it with firm belief and certainty, as long as it is from the Quran and the authentic Sunnah of Rasul and his Companions.

02. Trunk: (Saaq)

The tree of Iman, like the other trees, also has a trunk, which is Purity of Intention: (al-Ikhlas)

We must have the purity of intention for our tree to be firm and unshakable and immovable.

Abdullah Ibn Sahl at-tuzkuri (ra) (scholar from the taba'een) was asked:

"What is al-Iman?", he said:

"Iman is statement, is action, is nyyah (intention) and is Sunnah. If it is a statement without actions then it is Kufr (disbelief), if it is a statement and action with out intention then it is Nifaq (hypocrisy), if it is a statement, action and intention without the Sunnah, then it is Bid'ah (innovation)."

To keep a healthy trunk of our tree, we must have a pure intention of our actions. Our every righteous deed is divided into two parts. The first half of a righteous deed is the purity of intention. The nyyah has to be pure for the pleasure of Allah ONLY!

03. Branches & Fruits:

This tree should also has branches and fruits. And these are:

a) Righteous deeds

b) Honorable/Noble Character

At several places in Quran, Allah (SWT) has distinguished the people of Jannah from the people of Hell as Indeed those who believed and did righteous deeds....

Those people who believed and did righteous deeds have also been given the glad tidings of Jannah at several places in Quran:

Every righteous deed consists of two parts. First part is the purity of intention (for the sake of Allah only!). Second half of the righteous deed is that the action has to be in conformed with Shariah (Quran and Sunnah of Rasul (SAW) and the Companions(May Allah be pleased with them)). If the action is not conformed with Shariah, it is not considered a righteous deed!

When a tree has firm roots and healthy trunk and branches, it automatically produces good fruits. Similarly, when we establish firm roots of Iman in our heart and keep healthy trunk and branches of the tree the fruits will prosper. If we have the knowledge of our deen and certainty of whatever knowledge we have, and we do righteous deeds with pure intentions, we will automatically develop an honorable and noble character.

Things that will Make Our Tree Die:


If we allow kufr to come into our tree, it will destroy the tree.

2) Shirk:

If we allow shirk to come into our tree, it will also destroy the tree.

3) Bid'ah:

If we allow Bid'ah (innovations) of all types to come into our tree, it will demolish our tree. Our tree will become yellow, our tree will become dry and our tree will eventually die!

Note: Muslims nowadays are involved in so many "religious practices" thinking that they are pleasing Allah (swt), though in reality they are getting themselves involved either in bid'ahs or sometimes even to the extant of shirks. Muslims, intentionally or unintentionally, either add or remove stuff from how a certain act was originally practiced by our pious predecessors and hence making it a bid'ah. And since the act was not practiced according to the "Shari'ah", it will not be considered a righteous deed.

To avoid from getting ourselves involved in these dangerous things, it is extremely important to have the "knowledge" of the deen and to refer back to our pious predecessors in every single thing we do or say.

What is AL-Iman: 

Al-Iman is:

1) Belief:

Iman is a belief in our hearts. It is to have a firm belief of "la illah illallah" in our hearts and all the thing that it brings. Every thing that we find from Quran and Sunnah, we must have a sincere and firm belief on that without having any doubts.


Iman is a statement by our tongue. We must state "la illaha illallah" by our tongues. Meaning what ever believes we have, we cannot just keep them in our hearts, but we must say them out.

3) Actions:

Iman is to carry out our believes and our statements by our bodily limbs. After believing in "la illaha illallah" and stating it, we must imply it in our actions. And the way we imply "la illaha illallah" in our actions is by modifying our every action and deed according to the Quran and

Sunnah of Rasul and our pious predecessors. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

A general example of the above could be wearing hijab. If one has a firm belief in Allah (swt) and whatever He revealed, will definitely believe that wearing hijab is a command of Allah and it is mandatory. Then only believing is not enough, we must have to admit by stating by our tongues the fact that hijab is necessary and inform other people about it in a nice pleasing way (not in a displeasing or complaining manner). But still our Iman is not completed until we start wearing it ourselves.

To think that Iman is in our hearts only, is one of the tricks of Iblis (satan). We shouldn't be fooled by the shaytans (satan) of the Ins wal Jin (Humans and Jinns) by thinking that Iman is in our chests only and as long as we have a firm belief, our Iman is completed Rather we HAVE to show our believes by our statements and by our actions.

Highest and Lowest of Iman: 

Rasul of Allah (saw) said:
"Iman has 70 branches. And the highest of al-Iman is the statement "la illaha illallah" (It is the most sublime, the most magnificent and the most superior of all Iman). The lowest of the Iman is to remove some harmful thing from the street. And modesty is a part of al-Iman."

Iman Wears Out: 

We all go through high and low levels of Iman. As Rasul of Allah told us:"al-Iman wears out in each and everyone of you and me like a "thaub" (garment) wears out (like our clothes wears out...and they become shabby eventually. Iman wears out like that "thaub").

So Rasul of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) advised us (since our Iman wears out) :
"So all of you Muslims, should ask Allah (swt) to RENEW the Iman in our hearts."

Last Minute Solah


He remembered his grandmother' s warning about praying on time:
'My son, you shouldn't leave prayer to this late time'.
His grandmother' s age was 70 but, whenever she heard the Adhan, she got up like an arrow and performed the Solat.
He, however could never win over his ego to get up and pray.
Whatever he did, his Solat was always the last to be offered and he prayed it quickly to get it in on time.
Thinking of this, he got up and realized that there were only 15 minutes left before Salat-ul Isha'.
He quickly made Wudhu and performed Salat-ul Maghrib.
While making Tasbih, he again remembered his grandmother and was embarrassed by how he had prayed.
His grandmother prayed with such tranquillity and peace.
He began making Dua and went down to make Sajdah and stayed like that for a while.
He had been at work all day and was tired, very tired.
He awoke abruptly to the sound of noise and shouting.
He was sweating profusely. He looked around. It was very crowded.
Every direction he looked in was filled with people.
Some stood frozen looking around, some were running left and right and some were on their knees with their heads in their hands just waiting.
Pure fear and apprehension filled him as he realized where he was. His heart was about to burst.
It was the Day of Judgment.
When he was alive, he had heard many things about the questioning on the Day of Judgment, but that seemed so long ago.
Could this be something his mind made up?
No, the wait and the fear were so great that he could not have imagined this.
The interrogation was still going on.
He began moving frantically from people to people to ask if his name had been called. No one could answer him.
All of a sudden his name was called and the crowd split into two and made a passageway for him.
Two angels grabbed his arms and led him forward. He walked with unknowing eyes through the crowd. The angels brought him to the centre and left him there.
His head was bent down and his whole life was passing in front of his eyes like a movie.
He opened his eyes but saw only another world.
The people were all helping others.
He saw his father running from one lecture to the other, spending his wealth in the way of Islam.
His mother invited guests to their house and one table was being set while the other was being cleared.
He pleaded his case, 'I too was always on this path. I helped others. I spread the word of Allah. I performed my Salah. I fasted in the month of Ramadhan.'
'Whatever Allah ordered us to do, I did.'
'Whatever he ordered us not to do, I did not.'
He began to cry and think about how much he loved Allah.
He knew that whatever he had done in life would be less than what Allah deserved and his only protector was Allah He was sweating like never before and was shaking all over.
His eyes were fixed on the scale, waiting for the final decision. At last, the decision was made.
The two angels with sheets of paper in their hands, turned to the crowd.
His legs felt like they were going to collapse. He closed his eyes as they began
To read the names of those people who were to enter Jahannam.
His name was read first.
He fell on his knees and yelled that this couldn't be,
'How could I go to Jahannam? I served others all my life, I spread the word of Allah
to others.'
His eyes had become blurry and he was shaking with sweat.
The two angels took him by the arms.
As his feet dragged, they went through the crowd and advanced toward
the blazing flames of Jahannam.
He was yelling and wondered if there was any person who was going to help him.
He was yelling of all the good deeds he had done, how he had helped his father, his fasts, prayers, the Noble Qur'an that he read, he was asking if none of them would help him.
The Jahannam angels continued to drag him.
They had gotten closer to the Hellfire.
He looked back and these were his last pleas.
Had not Rasulullah [PBUH] said, 'How clean would a person be who bathes in a river five times a day, so too does the Salah performed five times cleanse someone of their sins?'
He began yelling, 'My prayers? My prayers? My prayers?'
The two angels did not stop, and they came to the edge of the abyss of Jahannam.
The flames of the fire were burning his face.
He looked back one last time, but his eyes were dry of hope and he had nothing left in him.
One of the angels pushed him in.
He found himself in the air and falling towards the flames.
He had just fallen five or six feet when a hand grabbed him by the arm and pulled him back.
He lifted his head and saw an old man with a long white beard.
He wiped some dust off himself and asked him, 'Who are you?'
The old man replied, 'I am your prayers.'
'Why are you so late?! I was almost in the Fire! You rescued me at the
last minute before I fell in.'
The old man smiled and shook his head, 'You always performed me at the
last minute, did you forget?'
At that instant, he blinked and lifted his head from Sajdah. He was in a sweat. He listened to the voices coming from outside.
He heard the Adhan for Salat-ul Isha.
He got up quickly and went to perform Wudhu.
Pass this on to your friends and family......
Maybe, you can help someone open their eyes.
And who knows?
Maybe, this is a good deed that can help you during The Day of Judgment. INSHA-ALLAH

فَإِذَا قَضَيۡتُمُ ٱلصَّلَوٰةَ فَٱذۡڪُرُواْ ٱللَّهَ قِيَـٰمً۬ا وَقُعُودً۬ا وَعَلَىٰ جُنُوبِڪُمۡ‌ۚ فَإِذَا ٱطۡمَأۡنَنتُمۡ فَأَقِيمُواْ ٱلصَّلَوٰةَ‌ۚ إِنَّ ٱلصَّلَوٰةَ كَانَتۡ عَلَى ٱلۡمُؤۡمِنِينَ كِتَـٰبً۬ا مَّوۡقُوتً۬ا
"When ye have performed the act of worship, remember Allah, standing, sitting and reclining. And when ye are in safety, observe proper worship. Worship at fixed times hath been enjoined on the believers."[An-Nisa':103]

Why I love Islam?

What I love about Islam is that any practice that it teaches has hikma (wisdom) and such a clear purpose behind it and so many benefits. Today I was waiting outside a supermarket In Brooklyn, and this black kid walked pass me about 15 years old. He saw me dressed in Islamic clothing kind of like a tobe and he said.
“Yo it’s your holiday right?”.
I replied “na not yet but we are fasting for 30 days”.
then he said “werd, that means ya can’t eat right”.
I said “Yup from sunrise to sunset”. Then he said "yo how you be doing that?".
I told him "people die all the time around the world because they don’t have food, and plus it makes us stronger”.
Then he said “Yo i feel you man”, “Waalaikumusalam”. I was happy to hear him say that in his Brooklyn accent, which i also possess as you can see.
But anyhow what I wanted to say was that anytime a person questions what we are doing because we are Muslim, so many thoughts automatically come into our head, that can make them think why Islam is so official. Especially when they question our prayers.
My first answer is that you can compare praying to taking a bath except it cleans our hearts and brings us back to our purpose in life, but on top of that, what other religion prays to God 5 times a day, this is why Islam is the truth, and when we are praying and we go into sajdah, we are bowing down and that is the highest level of Submission to Allah.
Another thing which I love about Islam is the brotherhood. The other day i was speaking to a non Muslim about Islam, an African American. I first told him that Islam was the first Religion to Eliminate Racism (Mashallah the same day he took shahadah, Inshallah Allah guide him), and in a beautiful Hadith our Prophet Muhammad said:
"There is no superiority for an Arab over a non-Arab, nor for a non-Arab over an Arab. Neither is the white superior over the black, nor is the black superior over the white -- except by piety."
Rasulullah SAW words in his final sermon
Especially in Brooklyn, if you enter a mosque, at least around my way, you see all types of brothers, Black, White, Arab, Desi, Spanish, and Islam came with this gift, and there is no person in history that came before Our Prophet with this teaching of equality.
So what im saying is be yourself, be Muslim, today i saw so many Jews wearing yamachas whatever that’s called, and it made me think I should wear a kufi, its my religious symbol, and if we do follow our Beloved Prophet Muhammad more and more we will see the significant change in our life’s. Just by doing little things, Non Muslims will question our practices as the kid did today, and Alhumduillah as a result I was able to open his mind up.
So Inshallah let’s Keep it Real and Remember that first and foremost we our Muslims, We all Submit To the Will of Allah. We can make such a big difference by reviving the sunnah in any way we can and this is another reason why i love Islam, anyone hating on Muslims, Stop watching the News, Go pick up some real books and read, read and learn why this Religion is so beautiful.
Inshallah Allah helps us all in this life, Ameen!

Non-muslim Will Never Enter Jannah?

It was during the time of Propeht Muhammad SAW. A Christian man once came to the Prophet SAW during a battle, he asked the Prophet: “Should I become a Muslim or should I fight along with you”?
The Prophet did not delay him a minute and told him: “Embrace Islam than fight”, so the man embraced Islam by uttering the Shahadah (La Ilaha Illallah Muhammadun Rasulullah) with the intention of embracing Islam, and so he became Muslim. Than that brand new Muslim went to fight and he got killed in the battlefield.
The Prophet was informed about that and He said about him: “He accomplished a little yet gained tremendous amount of reward” That meant that the man did not pray, fast nor work on gaining deeds, but before his death by short time, he sincerely embraced Islam and died as a martyr in which he gains lots of reward in the hereafter; and you know what a Shaheed is and how much reward he gets! But if he had died before embracing Islam he will not see Paradise at all.
Only Muslims enter paradise, non-Muslims will enter hellfire with eternal punishment. Dying as a Muslim whether the person was a jew, Christian or any other religion, once they embrace Islam, Allah accepts their submission if they are sincere. No matter how much sins a Muslim believer commits, if he died without repentance, he will deserve the punishment in hellfire, but he will not remain there forever because he is a Muslim, eventually he will come out of hell and get washed by a river near Paradise and than he will enter paradise, and once he enters he will forget all pain and hardship he had and the enjoyment will start!!.
We call upon every freind in here that is not a Muslim to save his life in the hereafter from hellfire by embracing Islam imediately by saying: I bear witness that there's no God except Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad Is the messenger of Allah, and with the intention of embracing Islam, one becomes a Muslim.
We ask Allah to let us die as Muslims and to protect us from the punishment of hellfire. Ameen.


Perception always cheat
Mind view always mistaken
Frequent passion view reckless
The hearts belief that actual
If the heart clean

Heart if always clean
The view shall go through hijab
Heart if already clean
The premonition right will of God

But heart when begrimed
The murmur no longer truth

Place heart fall Allah view
Body born human focus
Emphasize Allah view
From human view